September 9, 2020 0 Categories Education

Astrea Creates Special Edition Speed Guide for Schooling from Home Families

The school year is here for many families. Do you have the speed you need to tackle this school year? We can help you find out.


With the school year kicking off for many families in Wisconsin and Michigan, we know that it may look a little different than years past. At Astrea, we’re here to help you understand your connection so that you can keep everyone in your home connected to all the things that matter most. Especially during the school year.

Schooling from home, coupled with all the other daily usage that your internet connection needs to support, can sometime result in maxing out your bandwidth. That’s why we revamped our Speed Guide to focus specifically on the tasks and activities that are common when schooling (or working) from home that can impact your bandwidth the most.


In this guide you’ll learn:
  1. Common schooling from home activities and the minimum amount of bandwidth recommend for each of them
  2. How different users, devices and activities start to add up and impact your connection
  3. How to calculate how much bandwidth is right for your home


Download our Speed Guide today!

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