January 28, 2021 0 Categories Business, Uncategorized

Astrea COVID Precautions: Reminders on How We’re Keeping You and Us Safe During COVID

As Astrea continues to keep our customers connected to essential services while protecting the health and safety of our employees and customers, we have made temporary adjustments to our installation & support procedures to limit the amount of time Astrea technicians spend in  our customers’ homes. This article is a reminder of the steps we are taking to keep both you and your family and our team safe, happy and healthy during these uncertain times.


Installations and support deemed “essential” will continue. To limit the time in a customer’s home, Astrea will be delaying the installation & support of certain “non-essential” items until COVID restrictions have been lifted. A listing of essential vs non-essential work is noted below:

Essential Installations & Support

  • Internet installations & maintenance to ensure a stable internet connection at the point where the cable physically enters the home/structure
  • TV installations & maintenance to the main television in the home
  • Phone installations & maintenance to a known working modem

Non-Essential Installations and Support

  • Modem relocation
  • New TIVO installations
  • TIVO support for secondary TV units
  • Additional outlets
  • Installation & support of multiple HD boxes
  • Multi-room TV installations

Any non-essential work will be completed once the COVID restrictions have been lifted and there will be no additional fees incurred by the customer.


While essential installation and support work is being done in the home, Astrea asks that the customer keep the work area clear of unneeded obstructions (ex. toys, plants, etc.) to limit contact with these items. In addition, it is requested that only 1 person be present in the room during the installation.


For installation and/or service order work, Astrea field technicians have been provided comprehensive cleaning and sanitization protocols that they are following before and after leaving a home or business.


In addition, to protect our field employees, we are conducting verbal screening procedures with customers prior to scheduling work to verify exposure risk. We appreciate your cooperation and honesty in this effort if you do need installation or service assistance.


Finally, COD payments will no longer be accepted by a field technician. Customers will have the option of making payments via the customer portal online bill payment, with a sales agent, or by mailing in a check.


We hope that the reminder of these extra safety precautions we are taking during COVID will help you to feel more at ease for all of your Astrea needs. If you have any additional questions or specific needs related to our COVID safety protocols, please feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-236-8434.