December 21, 2020 0 Categories Business, Education, Uncategorized

Slow Speeds Bogging You Down? This Could Be Why.

As we’ve spent more time at home, we’ve likely also spent more time using our internet. Have your speeds seemed slower than normal? In this article we will go over some of the top reasons you could be experiencing slow speeds, how to check those speeds, and how to resolve your speed related problems.

How to Run a Speed Test

So you’ve noticed your speeds seem a little off. The first step in verifying your suspicions is to run a speed test. Running a speed test will allow you to identify performance trends, identify devices that may be slowing things down, and ensure you are getting the speeds you purchased. Follow the steps below to do so.

To Get the Most Accurate Results:

  1. Power cycle your modem or router and your device before testing.
  2. Avoid running a speed test on your gaming console. Gaming systems will sometimes run speeds through their own remote servers which will impair your results.
  3. Avoid running a speed test wirelessly. Instead, run the test using a laptop or desktop that is directly connected to the modem.
  4. Determine how many devices you currently have connected to your wireless network. Even if you are not using that device at the moment, it is likely still connected to the network and passing data on your internet system. If you can, turn off all your connected devices. This will get you the most accurate speed test and minimize excess noise on your network.

Running the Test

To run your speed test, we suggest using It is a very powerful tool and it is easy to read and understand. Simply navigate to the site and follow the prompts.

Elements of a Speed Test

The elements of your speed test will consist of three major components:

  1. Download (mbps): the amount of time it takes to obtain the data.
  2. Upload (mbps): the amount of time it takes to send data.
  3. Ping (ms): the time it takes between sending and receiving data.

Evaluating Your Speed Test Results

So you’ve run your speed test. Now its time to evaluate your findings.

“I’m Getting About the Same Speed as What I Pay For”

If you are receiving the speed that you’re paying for, you may be hitting the max of usage for the speed provided. You’re likely using more internet than the speed you have can deliver without buffering or slow load times. This is a key indicator that you may need to upgrade your speed package. To learn more about our speed packages click here.

“I’m Not Getting The Same Speed as What I Pay For”

Make sure you are directly connected to your modem to get the most accurate results. If you cannot connect directly, try your speed test from another device. Ensure you are physically close to your modem or router. If you are away from the modem or router you may experience a dead spot in your WiFi network. If that is the case, you may want to consider Whole Home, wall-to-wall WiFi service. To learn more about this option, click here.

Your speeds may also be suffering if your modem needs a firmware update. Give us a call at 800-236-8434 and we can update this for you. If you have your own router, you will need to contact the manufacturer of your router to complete that update. If you have your own router, it is also possible that you may simply need a new or faster router.

5 Reasons for Slow Speeds

If you find that your speeds are slow, there are a few common factors that could be contributing.

  1. Your modem, router or device may need to be updated.
  2. The amount of connected devices is causing speed interruptions, including background devices. Using aggressive applications like Netflix, at the same time or while other applications may be using up your bandwidth.
  3. Use of the internet connection is too great. For example, online gaming requires a significant amount more speed and bandwidth in comparison to checking email.
  4. Modem or home router may need a firmware update. Give us a call at 800-236-8434 and we can assist you with this. If you have your own router, you will need to contact the manufacturer of your router to complete the update.
  5. The device is not capable of speed desired.


If you have run a speed test and are finding that your speeds do not support the usage you need them to, contact us at 800-236-8434 to increase your internet speed package. We hope that this article has helped you to better understand your current internet speeds.