September 15, 2021 0 Categories Business, Press Releases, Uncategorized

Solon Springs and Gordon to become next Astrea gigabyte internet communities

IRON MOUNTAIN, MI– Astrea, a division of CCI Systems, Inc. has been awarded funds through a Wisconsin Public Service grant, to bring fiber to the home internet to the Solon Springs and Gordon communities. Upon completion, these communities will have access to internet speeds ranging from 50mbps to 1 Gig available to them. Construction is anticipated to be completed by late 2021 for Solon Springs and early 2022 for Gordon.


These speeds have never been available in Solon Springs and Gordon before and residents will soon have access to all the things they love from the comfort of their homes. Astrea is accepting early scheduling of installation for those that want to secure their internet plan before construction is complete. To get on the list for early installs, visit .


“We are extremely excited to add Solon Springs and Gordon to the list of Gigabit communities we serve,” said Cory Heigl, Vice President of Astrea. “Our mission is to bring superior internet service to our rural communities that are often forgotten by larger providers. We continue to invest in bringing faster speeds to our rural markets including the launch of Gigabit speeds in additional communities such as Solon Springs and Gordon this year” said Heigl.


Construction planning has already begun and the residents of Solon Springs and Gordon can look forward to unparalleled internet speeds in the coming months. The internet offerings in this area were made possible through a Wisconsin Public Service grant awarded to Astrea to bring fast, reliable internet to the communities of Solon Springs and Gordon. These speeds, along with an Adaptive WiFi™ solution, will allow customers to enjoy an internet connection that is typically only found in big cities. With the availability of up to 1 Gig, Astrea customers will have better access to work and school from home, shop, stay in touch with friends, games, and enjoy online entertainment options.


About Astrea

Astrea currently helps connect over 60 small communities throughout Wisconsin and Michigan to family, healthcare, work, education, and entertainment by providing high-speed internet along with TV and Phone services. Astrea has built an extensive infrastructure that offers Astrea communities unprecedented rural internet speed offerings ranging from 50mbps up to 1 Gig. Astrea maintains a retail store location in Crivitz, WI.


To learn more about Astrea visit or to find services near you, visit


For more information on the project or to sign up early to be the first on our list to get installed, visit .