December 3, 2020 0 Categories Uncategorized

Tis the Season for Giving: Nominate a Family for Free Internet for a Year

With the holidays quickly approaching, and with COVID bringing new challenges to many families, we wanted to come up with a way to really help a family in need. With COVID, many families are now working and schooling from home, but are finding that they either do not have enough speed with their current package or provider to cover their growing internet needs, or they simply cannot afford to support their internet needs with added expenses during these times. At Astrea, we believe that no family should be left behind in terms of their needs for school or work. Because of this, we have decided to give you the opportunity to nominate a family in need to receive a free year of high-speed internet and a new Chromebook.

To nominate a family in need, fill out the form here:

Nominate a Family


Guidelines for entry: 

  • Nominee must be within our cable, or coax, service area.
  • Nominee must not be currently serviced by Astrea.
  • Not valid for our satellite, fixed wireless, TV or phone services.

Winner will receive either an Internet 50 or Internet 100 speed package. Installation and equipment will be provided free of charge. If chosen to win, winner is not required to continue service after the free 12 month service period and service will be disconnected if winner chooses to discontinue with Astrea. If service is discontinued, all equipment must be returned. If equipment is not returned, or returned damaged, a fee will be assessed.